
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'M so BORED....


Seringkali rasa BOSAN 'menghantui' diri, hati dan perasaan tanpa diundang. Kebosanan boleh menyebabkan pelbagai kesan dan meninggalkan persoalan-persoalan yang sukar untuk dimuktamadkan. Sebagai insan biasa rasa bosan memang tidak boleh kita elakkan. Tidak kira apa juga status dan kedudukan kita, lebih-lebih lagi kepada mereka yang sedang menuntut ilmu, ada kalanya rasa bosan mematikan harapan dan mengganggu tumpuan terhadap tugasan seharian. Situasi akan menjadi lebih parah jika rasa bosan turut mempengaruhi amal ibadah dan ketaatan kepada Allah s.w.t. Justeru, khusus untuk peringatan diri dan pembaca blog yang setia, saya sertakan sebuah catatan yang menarik tentang KEBOSANAN. Mudah-mudahan dapat mengubat jiwa yang sedang lara.....

By: ~dae_meen~

I have been stretching my neck in front of my Aspire 4310 notebook for six hours. It is already 2 o’clock in the morning but sleeping is a myth. Why? I do not know what to read and write. I am working on my new article called “I’m breaking down”. But I kept on erasing all the lame words I have typed. Ideas were not flowing as usual. For years I have been trying to gain my word power in writing, but all the hard work all these years were useless. I am beginning to feel fed up.
“Yeah, I’m bored, too bored man!!!” I got up from the chair and went to my personal dressing mirror the size of a human. “I have not polished the mirror lately, it looks a little smudgy.” I looked into myself in the mirror. From head to toe, I scanned trough. “I’m physically fine and ready” said to myself. But what is wrong with me? What is making me bored?
I became mad because of the boredom I am in. I was in anger, pure rage. Two am in the morning became the eye-witness of the climax of my boredom. Why am I bored? I asked myself one more time. “Arghh!!!” I shouted. Out of nowhere my hand came dashing towards the mirror, smashing my RM50 mirror into hundreds of pieces; small pointy pieces went scattering all over the floor. My hand was bleeding. I looked into the smashed mirror once more. Miraculously, one piece survived my fatal punch; the piece still remains on the wooden board. I could see half of my face in it. I ignored my bleeding hand. I witnessed something unique just now.
“I was born with a clean heart - a heart, clean as a brand new mirror-. I can see my shiny reflection in it. But as time flies, the clean shiny mirror became smudgy. The reflection is dimmed, not as shiny as before. This is my heart, because of not polishing my heart; a new black layer seals it. It becomes dark, darker than night, as dark as the darkness of ignorance (Jahilyyah). Soon, the dark layer rots, it will rot along with my heart. It rots as if a powerful hit smashes a mirror into million pieces. I felt like there’s no hope of seeking ALLAH’s redha. But I’m wrong, the small piece remaining means that ALLAH accepts anyone no matter how grave his sin is.”
My fingers went dancing on the keyboard typing a miracle on Microsoft Word. But I realized that something was missing. I remembered a scientist, known by the name of Pak Arbi, once said to me:
“Once you have fallen to the ground, it is difficult to stand up again. A smashed mirror is very hard to be put back again. If you manage to glue the entire piece, it is still not the same as a brand new mirror. This goes the same as your heart. Make sure you don’t fall. It takes all your strength to rise up again.”
Masyallah. This adds to the missing piece.
Because of my eagerness in typing, I did not feel the blood flowing from my hand at all!!! After I finished typing, I realize that my keyboard was full of dried blood. It was a bit difficult to type as red was all you see. I do not care, for I can easily wash it later. A little bit of blood is nothing compared to what Allah has taught me “Boredom is the sign of a half dead heart.” Why should I be bored when the world is there for me to explore!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sebuah catatan pengalaman : KAMPUNG BAKO - KUCHING, SARAWAK


16 Jun 2011 (Khamis), jam 0900.

Sebelum menjengah ke Taman Negara Bako, kita pasti terlebih dahulu akan menikmati pemandangan Kampung Bako kerana jeti ke taman negara terletak berhampiran dengan kampung ini - hanya dipisahkan oleh sebatang sungai yang akhirnya memberi gambaran bahawa lokasi perkampungan ini terletak di muara sungai. Bersesuaian dengan lokasinya ini, maka kegiatan utama penduduk kampung ialah menangkap hasil laut ataupun menjadi nelayan sama ada secara sepenuh masa atau pekerjaan sambilan. Tidaklah juga menghairankan apabila terdapat sebuah pasar nelayan yang terletak berhampiran dengan jeti ke taman negara - berperanan sebagai medium pemasaran hasil laut seperti ikan, udang dan sotong serta produk yang berkaitan seumpama belacan, ikan masin dan lain-lain. Menurut penduduk tempatan, bulan April hingga Mei pada setiap tahun merupakan musim udang dan peminat-peminat setia hasil laut ini akan datang membanjiri pasar nelayan bagi mendapatkan bekalan udang segar! Begitulah antara keistimewaan yang terdapat di kawasan Kampung Bako. 

 Gambar 1 :
Pemandangan Kg Bako dari masjid yang terletak di atas bukit

Gambar 2 :
Antara laluan kaki (siar kaki) di kawasan kampung

Gambar 3 :
Salah sebuah rumah yang terdapat di Kg Bako (sebenarnya rumah ini milik Tn Hj Ajus Sirat, bapa angkat penulis sejak 1999)

Sebenarnya ada lagi gambar yang ingin dikongsi bersama....Secara peribadi, penulis mula mengunjungi Kg Bako sekitar tahun 1998 ketika masih menuntut di Universiti Malaya. Kunjungan tersebut lebih merupakan 'survey' kerana pada ketika itu, Kolej Kediaman Tun Ahmad Zaidi (yang mana penulis pernah menjadi Presiden JTK) bercadang untuk mengadakan projek OPKIM - Operasi Khidmat Masyarakat yang begitu sinonim dengan para pelajar IPTA. Melalui seorang kenalan, penulis berkunjung ke Kg Bako untuk menguruskan program tersebut dan berjumpa dengan beberapa pihak yang terlibat seperti Ketua Kampung. Dari situlah bermulanya perkenalan penulis dengan Hj Ajus (secara kebetulan beliau merupakan ketua Kg Bako). Lebih menarik lagi, apabila program tersebut di jalankan pada tahun 1999, Hj Ajus telah sudi menjadikan penulis sebagai anak angkat beliau selama lebih kurang seminggu. Bermula detik itu, setiap kali berkunjung ke Kuching, penulis tidak pernah gagal untuk mengunjungi beliau sekeluarga.

Bersesuaian dengan fungsi ekonomi penduduknya yang menjadi nelayan, maka jika kita mengunjungi kampung ini akan kelihatan bot-bot nelayan yang saiznya berskala kecil diletakkan di tepi-tepi sungai berhampiran dengan kediaman mereka. Apa yang menarik ialah rumah-rumah di sini terutama yang terletak berhampiran dengan sungai dibina dengan lebih tinggi kerana air sungai akan melimpah setiap kali berlakunya kejadian air laut pasang. Oleh yang demikian, sewajarnya keindahan kawasan perkampungan nelayan ini dapat dikekalkan dan penulis ingin menyarankan bahawa lokasi ini juga amat sesuai untuk dilawati sebelum atau selepas berkunjung ke Taman Negara Bako. Banyak lagi yang ingin dicoretkan tapi cukup setakat ini dahulu yang dapat dikongsikan. Nikmatilah pemandangan Kampung Bako kerana gambar dapat menceritakan segalanya !. Kampung Bako di HATI ku.

Gambar 4 :
Anak tangga menuju ke masjid Kg Bako

 Gambar 5 :
Pemandangan masjid Kg Bako yang terletak di atas bukit

 Gambar 6 :
Masjid Al-Hidayah, Kg. Bako

 Gambar 7 :
Bot-bot nelayan

 Gambar 8 :
Bot laju yang membawa pengunjung pulang dari Taman Negara Bako

 Gambar 9 :
Salah satu kaedah tradisional yang digunakan oleh nelayan tempatan untuk menangkap hasil laut

Gambar 10 :
Bot nelayan dan perahu tambang (RM 0.40) untuk menyeberangi sungai dari / ke jeti

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

STPM Blues

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Setelah saya 'post' beberapa kelebihan tentang Tingkatan Enam, saya ingin berkongsi luahan rasa mengenai Tingkatan 6 oleh seorang bekas pelajar. Walaupun 'posting' ini dalam Bahasa Inggeris, tetapi ia mudah difahami dan menarik untuk dikongsi bersama. Jom raikan 'posting' ini bersama!

STPM blues

You know, i often hear people saying this " DO NOT GO FORM 6, It's a waste of time". "FORM 6 is so easy". If it is easy , and a waste of time, do you even think the government would set such things in our education system? I'm sick of such stereo-typed people. I hope i do not offend anyone here though.

Form 6 is not as easy as you think. I've had a p.h.D teacher in my school who said " form 6 is the hardest exam in your life. if you can go through it , there is no doubt you will do well in universities."If you ask me if i was prepared for the whole thing before i enter form 6, i would say i am prepared. I came from an average family and my sister is in a private university , so my parents could not afford to send me to private college.i was very clear i am going to form 6 after i finished form 5.

Anyway,David Hans requested me to write about my experience when i switched to arts in form 6.
. I was a science side student in form4 & 5. A science side student WHO DO NOT enjoy science. Hence , my result is always lousy , and i am always the one with the lowest mark. Not in class though, but among my friends. I was looked down . So when i enter form 6, i knew i cannot continue staying in science. Besides, I am fed up of being looked down. I took the risk of moving to arts side alone. i was scared , but i knew i had to move on no matter what. My SPM result was just a "so-so" result ( i do not mind to reveal it, i scored only 5a's in SPM) , and i do not want my STPM result to turn out bad as well. (still awaiting for my result). When i entered form 6, i had this dream to get first in class and get the highest in all my exam. And yes, i did it. I studied hard, got the 1st and was always the highest in all my exams. Like i said , i am fed up of being looked down , and i need to gain some respect from my friends in arts. I do not want to be looked down anymore. So to those of you who are not sure of switching or not , look at your result. If you keep getting 'c' or 'D' in your science subjects and still going to science side in form 6, you are commiting suicide. Know your ability. Forget about the "cool-ness" when you're holding an organic chemistry book. It is the result that matters.If your parents insisted you to stay in science saying bout the prospects of science side, talk to them nicely , and explain to them. And arts side has a wide prospects too. Who is the one who manage a hospital? A doctor does not manage a hospital you know? [I'm not trying to say the bad side about science side ya.. :) ]

When i told people how stress i am when i was preparing for my exams , then they'll ask me " what side are you in?"... when i said "arts". they'll go on saying , " Oh , no problem one. easy.". And this is what i hate. Arts side in form 6 , is A TOTAL DIFFERENT from form 5. It is a lot harder and be prepared to write up to 15 pages for each exam. i would say arts is a lot about reading and memorising. AND no , it's not easy when you have to memorise hundreds of pages.and if you are taking economics, it's even worse. You need to memorise graphs and write tonnes of notes.Honestly , my ball pen lasted me only around 3 weeks, and mind you, my handwriting is small. Not only that, You need to be hard working enough to read the many pages of boring notes. You can easily fail if you're in arts , because once you do not read , you can't do anything. There is no objective (except for econs), so basically if you do not study , you can just sleep through the test.So, arts side is not easy. It is just as tough as the science side. What makes arts side easier?we still write 7 essays, 2 quantitative, and 30 multiple choice questions with half of it is counting in 3 hours.Or for some papers, we had to write more than 10 pages. Science and Arts= same level . So , if you feel down about moving to arts side, you do not have to now.

No doubt to those who are from science side , you would have a problem adapting with the arts side people. Especially if you are not mandarin-spoken like me. I am the ones that basically cant even write my name in mandarin , and couldn't speak more than ten words of fluent mandarin. Yes, that is how bad it is. Did i tell you i did not move to arts with any of my friends? So, having to be in a new environment with no one you are comfortable with was a tough experience to go through. I even reach to a point i wanted to give up. I did not mix with anyone for the first month. I felt so lazy to go to school , and i slept for almost every period. Anyway after a while , slowly i got to mix with them . I learnt mandarin through talking with them .(because most of them are mandarin-spoken, you can't expect them to learn english for you.Majority wins ) Ofcourse, i need to endure to be laughed at my "weird" accent. But , over all , i enjoy learning , and now, i can speak almost fluent mandarin. You see, that was an extra for me through the two years of form six.

If you asked me if i regret going to form 6, i would easily answer you "no". Form 6 is the 2 years i enjoy the most in my high-school life. It was also the only time where i look forward going to school and enjoying my time even though during the many exams i had. One of the hardest part to go through was that in form 6 there is a lot of test going on. I even had times where my whole month is filled with test and quizzes. Form 6 is also the time where i realise three hours is like 3 minutes. Most of my papers are three hours, and i am still rushing for it. So , three hours is nothing to me now. Time flies. I had a lot of fun in form 6 and being the eldest in the school. So to those of you who are going to form 6, i wish you all the best and i guarantee you will have a fun-filled 2 years like i did. I am still waiting for my result, wish me luck guys. :)

Form 6, No regrets.